Marketing Mix of Coca-Cola company

by Mohamed Sinaan Haadi


What is marketing mix?
Introduction of the company and the products
Marketing Mix of Coca Cola
Interaction between market and other business operations

What is marketing mix?

        Marketing mix is an arrangement of activities, or strategies, that an organization uses to advance its brands or items in the market. The 4Ps make ups the marketing mix of Price, Product, Promotion and Place.


      Product is the items hold by the company to be sold and it is the most imperative component in the market mix without the product there will be nothing to cost, transport or sell.


       The value of a product, it depends on costs of production and capacity of the market to pay. There can be a few sorts of valuing procedures, each tied in with a general strategy for success. Valuing can likewise be utilized a division to separate and improve the picture of a product.


       The exercises used to make the product or services known to the client and exchange. This can incorporate promoting, informal, news reports, commissions and honors to the exchange. It can likewise incorporate purchaser plans, coordinate advertising, challenges and prize.


       The point of sale or the location is the point to get the attention of the buyer and making it simple for her to get it is the main point of a decent circulation. For a customer this could be retail or a whole sale point.

Introduction of the company and the products

         Coca-Cola was invented in May 1886 by Dr, John S.Pemberton in Atlanta, Geogia. The Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest soft drink organization, reviving customers with more than 500 shimmering and still brands and about 3,900 refreshment decisions; Through the world's biggest refreshment distribution framework, They are the No. 1 distributors of both shimmering and still drinks. More than 1.9 billion of their refreshment drinks are delighted in by Customers in more than 200 nations every day. (The Coca-Cola Company, 1886)

           The Coca-Cola Organization produces syrup, which is then sold to authorized Coca-Cola bottlers all through the world. The bottlers, who hold selective region contracts with the Company, create the completed Product in jars and containers from the syrup, in mix with separated water and sweeteners. A run of the mill 12-US-liquid ounce (350 ml) can contain 38 grams (1.3 oz) of sugar (ordinarily as high fructose corn syrup). The bottlers at that distribution point offer, disperse, and stock Coca-Cola to retail locations, vending machines, and restaurants all through the world. The Coca-Cola Company also sells the syrup to soda fountains of significant restaurant and foodservice merchants (Wiki Pedia)
Some Products of the Company are:
Coca-Cola, Sprite, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, Coca-Cola Life, DASANI, Minute Maid, Ciel, POWERADE™, and Simply Orange

Marketing Mix of Coca Cola


              The coca cola syrup is the main product of the company. The company sells the rights to the bottling partners for bottling and design of the bottles and that is why each and every Nation in the world; coca cola bottles has a different shape but the same taste.
              This company has the widest rang up refreshment of 3900 product. The beverages are categorized into many groups with individual product in this group, Coca Cola’s other brands are Thumps up, Fanta, Maaza, Lima, Minute Maid, sprite, Nested Iced Tea , Nimbu Fresh and more…The products are produced in very high quality and inspected very carefully for any change in the taste or the quality (Coca Cola Company)


          The valuing or the pricing is mostly done by the market and geographic segmentation. Each extraordinary brand by focusing on the competitors evaluating, PEPSI is the biggest competitor to COKE. Soft drink market is said to be a limited competition advertise [Few merchant and more buyers], that way the frame into cartel contract to guarantee mutual balance in pricing between the Whole sellers and Retailers.


Coca Cola is the world's most loved and is accessible everywhere throughout the world, you can discover Almost everywhere from retail shops to restaurants and interactive vending machines mostly loved by everyone and if you are a whole seller and if you like to buy the in bulk then it is available for you throw the bottling partners located in almost every part of the world and for retailers the products are available from the whole sellers.


In Asia

          Coca Cola uses different publicizing and limited time procedures to make and expanded in the market. They do this by partner Coca Cola with way of life and life style and behavior focusing on youth esteem based publicizing. You will probably see a coke promotion for a specific celebration her in Asia.
            The Coca Cola Company uses famous faces to advertise their products to the market so that the product could be more advertised throw the publicity of the famous faces.
             Most of the limited time promotion includes involving the customer to a random winner contest and in these contests the winner is given items with Coca Cola logo printed to it for more promoting the company. (marketing91)

World Wide

The Coca-Cola Happiness Machine

In spite of the fairly unfashionable name, this straightforward thought figured out how to pull in a gigantic measure of online buzz for Coca-Cola.The Happiness Machines are exemplary Coke vending machines that dish out treats including flowers, sandwiches, drinks and pizza.

London 2012

The campaign was called 'Move To The Beat', and the thought was to utilize music as the basic component of the story telling.Coke recruited London-based producer Mark Ronson and artist Katie B, at that point took five Olympic hopefuls and utilized the sound of their games to make a tune.

Super Bowl 2012

Viewers could connect with the polar bears, which were supporting diverse groups, by making inquiries and presenting photographs on Face book or Twitter. At the point when the bears reacted they responded out a Smartphone to tweet messages or utilized a tablet to show pictures presented by fans.

Coke Zone

On-pack codes connected to a prizes site, where points could be recovered for things, for example, two for one Blockbuster film rentals, Coca-Cola marked things, or used to enter competitions and win greater prizes.

Share a Coke

The campaign allows individuals to arrange customized Coke bottles through a Facebook application, while in a few nations the marking has been changed altogether so all Coke items have different names on them.

Tweet Your Christmas Wish

Christmas 2011 Coca-Cola allowed people to have their tweets shown on its giant neon sign in Piccadilly Circus.Website users needed to submit their messages through Coke Zone and could then view a live stream of the digital billboard to see their message come up in the event that they couldn't be there face to face.

Share a Coke Australia

One fascinating promotion in the Share a Coke campaign ran as of late Australia as a major aspect of Coke's new deal with Spotify, whereby individuals could share a tune from the previous 50 years.

The Friendship Experiment

In China Coca-Cola ran a campaign that welcomed individuals to partake in a 'friendship experiment' with photographer Kurt Tang.Tang visited the city of Guangzhou requesting that outsiders participate in a moment of connection in front of his lens.

The Ahh Effect

One of Coca-Cola's latest digital marketing activities, The Ahh Effect, includes a series of web based games targeted for teenagers.The thought was to make fun, “snack-able” advanced digital games that were targeted for principally to mobile users. ( David Moth , 2013 )

Interaction between market and other business operations

                    The Coca-Cola Company is a worldwide business that works on a Local scale, in each community where they work together. They are very good in working with merchants, bottling partners, whole seller and retailers therefore making is recognizable in about all societies and cultures over the globe. The Company can make a worldwide reach with nearby concentration on account of the quality of its distribution, which contains the Coca-Cola Company and their more than 250 packaging partners around the world.
                    The framework has various lawful and administrative divisions and sections, all free of each other, and it doesn't possess or control every last bit of it packaging accomplices around the world.
                   While it is for the most part seen that Coca-Cola runs every one of its operations globally it, these procedures are done through different local channels. The Company produces and offers concentrates, drink bases and syrups to packaging partners it still however, owns the brand and is charge of consumer brand promoting activity. The packaging accomplices make, bundle and distribute the last branded refreshments to clients and distributing accomplices, who at that point sell items to customer.


In my assignment I have analyzed marketing mix of Company named Coca Cola and the marketing mix components used in the Company.
Coca Cola Company products have fulfilled customer needs with satisfaction when I look into the marketing mix which is the primary goal of the company.
The Price of Coca Cola products gets reviewed always for economical fulfillment for the consumer.
By understanding Coca Cola Company I can state that the Company is using its special promotion in a very efficient and effective way.
Finally I can presume that for any organization to achieve the target in the present aggressive period needs to use every single part of the marketing mix.
The disadvantage for the Company is that they spend more time and money into market researching for geographic segmentation
But the advantages are that due to the bottling partners they have to spend less money into transportation and manufacturing.


David Moth . (2013 , 8 5). Econsultancy. Retrieved from

Coca Cola Company. (n.d.). coca-cola journey. Retrieved from coca-colacompany:

marketing91. (n.d.). Retrieved from

The Coca-Cola Company. (1886, 5 8). The Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved from

Wiki Pedia. (n.d.). wikipedia. Retrieved from
