Is teenager’s perception of their body image influenced by media?
by Sinaan Haadi
We live in a time where obsessing on our bodies and our looks has turned into a day by day activity. In mainstream media the most delightful are rail thin, have long hair and perfect skin. On the off chance that one is satisfying to the eye, one is acceptable to society and most of the time the media just influence the teenagers in a negative perception to their body image.
In fact Vaguthu News is one of the famous media in Maldives which writes articles about teenagers body perceptions and tips teenagers how their bodies and their looks has to turn out and how it will affect their daily life. Mihaaru News also writes articles but less on how their daily life will affect on their body articles. There are some online Magazines also in Maldives mostly targeted market for the youth in our society like Male' Fitness Club, Empower Fitness, heatmaldives mostly based on the famous social media website Facebook’s pages.
Also with the many impacts of magnificence and self-perception media puts on society, it is said that magazines and ads are promoted to help adolescents. Magazines and notices should give data and items that should improve adolescent's look and feel. Most magazine perusing is caused by disappointment with one's self. Teenagers who view other teenagers imagined in these magazines indicate expanded levels of depression, shame, stress, guilt, and uncertainty. It has been discovered that about more than half of young teenagers ages 6-8 have expressed that they need to be slimmer. This is truly tragic in which a teenager growing up ought not to be thinking about this.
However, these endeavors to delete the 'perfect self-perception' are contradicted by present day unscripted television appears like TVM (Television Maldives), VTV (Villa TV) and RaajjeTV that encourage such behavior. Outrageous Makeover puts people through extraordinary physical changes to change the way they look, which is then seen by teenagers of every single young. This has a tendency to encourage individuals to consider their image, and change what they don't care for in an unsafe way. These types of TV shows tend to teach teenagers that it is alright to change their image to fit the "high school dream", rather than urging them to acknowledge the body that they as of now have. (Raising Children Network)
In addition food advertising is another example of how big businesses in Maldives those teenagers consider in buildup an image. Foods that are advertised to teenagers, some people are overwhelmingly addictive and unhealthy. Fast food organizations tend to utilize publicizing that will appeal to youngsters, incorporating television, film and games symbols into their promoting products. A 2013 study from the University of Michigan (University of Michigan, 2013) even found teens experienced higher brain activity during food-related commercials than those that did not involve food items. The study discovered teenagers were a great deal more inclined to review commercials attempting to offer them flavorful, high-fat nourishment than different sorts of advertisement. In this manner while ladies keep on dieting, regardless they still despise their bodies. Another statistic, expressed by the Media Awareness Network, is that the normal model measured 8 percent not as much as the normal ladies twenty years back contrasted with models measuring 23 percent less today. (Kathryn Mueller)
According to Pediatrics, eroticized and sex models are used to offer a hug range of things, while conception prevention and crisis contraceptives are less prevalent in the publicizing teenagers see, and in addition being less significant. Early introduction to sexuality in promoting at an age when teenagers are especially helpless has been connected to more young age’s times of sexual contact. Also, the models used as a part of promoting skew teenagers thoughts of what their bodies should look like and raise their probability of creating self-perception issues and dietary problems. Teenagers in the present society still want to dress especially and to wear cosmetics to feel delightful and attractive to the inverse gender and inside the present society. (Alissa Fleck)
However, A few people like Heidi Posavac, Steven Posavac, and Emil Posavac found that young people who are as of now content with their bodies are for the most partly unaffected by media pictures of models and other appealing teenagers. They presumed that exclusive the individuals who are disappointed with their bodies prior to review commercials will then feel poorly in the wake of seeing promotions including thin and appealing teenagers.
Likewise, a research by psychology and science teachers Paul Humphreys and Susan Paxton recommends that young fellows who see pictures of glorified men either feel the same or feel more positive about themselves in the wake of review such pictures.
Tamara Mangle burg and Terry Bristol's research included in The Journal of Advertising found that teenagers are not commonly influenced by pictures in commercials, contents in magazines and articles on internet. They propose the more teenagers and twenties people see commercials, the less they are influenced by them and the more they skeptical of plainly doubtful of the messages that are in notices. This is on because of repeated presentation to promotions which can give them a superior understanding of the intentions behind such advertisements.
And also, Marsha Richins, previous president of the Association for Consumer Research, speculated that, "by late youth... seeing to a great and extremely attractive models is 'old news' and very unlikely to give new data that may impact self-recognition used 20 demonstrate slides as stimuli, displayed for an total length of 5 minutes found that as the quantity of stimuli surpassed 10, the viewers were to somehow less affected, most likely because of habituation.
Psychological researchers Christopher Ferguson, Benjamin Winegard, and Bo Winegard feel that the media's impacts on body dissatisfaction have been over-exaggerated. They trust that media does not intensely impact body dissatisfaction. Rather, they have discovered associates to have a significantly greater impact than the media as far as body dissatisfaction in teenagers. (Wikipedia )
In conclusion, I will say that the Medias here in Maldives are having a very negative and unhealthy impact on teenagers. Also by showing the teenagers how they have to look like makes them disappointed of their body and the more they think about it make them have depression. The researches done in positive side shows us that very few people have positive effects and so I recommend the teenagers in our society to stop comparing your body image to the people with the fake make ups and Photo shopped in editing software’s photo models and just be happy with yourself and love what you have and also about the food advertised here in Maldives I would advise not to trust them because the only way that you can be healthy is by exercise and healthy food diet.
Alissa Fleck. (n.d.). advertising-influences-teens. Retrieved from
Kathryn Mueller. (n.d.). marketing-food-and-beverages-to-children-is-big-business-is-it-bad-for-your-kids. Retrieved from
Raising Children Network. (n.d.). media_influences_teenagers. Retrieved from
University of Michigan. (2013). Michigan News. Retrieved from University of Michigan:
Wikipedia . (n.d.). Effects of advertising on teen body image. Retrieved from Wikipedia:
In fact Vaguthu News is one of the famous media in Maldives which writes articles about teenagers body perceptions and tips teenagers how their bodies and their looks has to turn out and how it will affect their daily life. Mihaaru News also writes articles but less on how their daily life will affect on their body articles. There are some online Magazines also in Maldives mostly targeted market for the youth in our society like Male' Fitness Club, Empower Fitness, heatmaldives mostly based on the famous social media website Facebook’s pages.
Also with the many impacts of magnificence and self-perception media puts on society, it is said that magazines and ads are promoted to help adolescents. Magazines and notices should give data and items that should improve adolescent's look and feel. Most magazine perusing is caused by disappointment with one's self. Teenagers who view other teenagers imagined in these magazines indicate expanded levels of depression, shame, stress, guilt, and uncertainty. It has been discovered that about more than half of young teenagers ages 6-8 have expressed that they need to be slimmer. This is truly tragic in which a teenager growing up ought not to be thinking about this.
However, these endeavors to delete the 'perfect self-perception' are contradicted by present day unscripted television appears like TVM (Television Maldives), VTV (Villa TV) and RaajjeTV that encourage such behavior. Outrageous Makeover puts people through extraordinary physical changes to change the way they look, which is then seen by teenagers of every single young. This has a tendency to encourage individuals to consider their image, and change what they don't care for in an unsafe way. These types of TV shows tend to teach teenagers that it is alright to change their image to fit the "high school dream", rather than urging them to acknowledge the body that they as of now have. (Raising Children Network)
In addition food advertising is another example of how big businesses in Maldives those teenagers consider in buildup an image. Foods that are advertised to teenagers, some people are overwhelmingly addictive and unhealthy. Fast food organizations tend to utilize publicizing that will appeal to youngsters, incorporating television, film and games symbols into their promoting products. A 2013 study from the University of Michigan (University of Michigan, 2013) even found teens experienced higher brain activity during food-related commercials than those that did not involve food items. The study discovered teenagers were a great deal more inclined to review commercials attempting to offer them flavorful, high-fat nourishment than different sorts of advertisement. In this manner while ladies keep on dieting, regardless they still despise their bodies. Another statistic, expressed by the Media Awareness Network, is that the normal model measured 8 percent not as much as the normal ladies twenty years back contrasted with models measuring 23 percent less today. (Kathryn Mueller)
According to Pediatrics, eroticized and sex models are used to offer a hug range of things, while conception prevention and crisis contraceptives are less prevalent in the publicizing teenagers see, and in addition being less significant. Early introduction to sexuality in promoting at an age when teenagers are especially helpless has been connected to more young age’s times of sexual contact. Also, the models used as a part of promoting skew teenagers thoughts of what their bodies should look like and raise their probability of creating self-perception issues and dietary problems. Teenagers in the present society still want to dress especially and to wear cosmetics to feel delightful and attractive to the inverse gender and inside the present society. (Alissa Fleck)
However, A few people like Heidi Posavac, Steven Posavac, and Emil Posavac found that young people who are as of now content with their bodies are for the most partly unaffected by media pictures of models and other appealing teenagers. They presumed that exclusive the individuals who are disappointed with their bodies prior to review commercials will then feel poorly in the wake of seeing promotions including thin and appealing teenagers.
Likewise, a research by psychology and science teachers Paul Humphreys and Susan Paxton recommends that young fellows who see pictures of glorified men either feel the same or feel more positive about themselves in the wake of review such pictures.
Tamara Mangle burg and Terry Bristol's research included in The Journal of Advertising found that teenagers are not commonly influenced by pictures in commercials, contents in magazines and articles on internet. They propose the more teenagers and twenties people see commercials, the less they are influenced by them and the more they skeptical of plainly doubtful of the messages that are in notices. This is on because of repeated presentation to promotions which can give them a superior understanding of the intentions behind such advertisements.
And also, Marsha Richins, previous president of the Association for Consumer Research, speculated that, "by late youth... seeing to a great and extremely attractive models is 'old news' and very unlikely to give new data that may impact self-recognition used 20 demonstrate slides as stimuli, displayed for an total length of 5 minutes found that as the quantity of stimuli surpassed 10, the viewers were to somehow less affected, most likely because of habituation.
Psychological researchers Christopher Ferguson, Benjamin Winegard, and Bo Winegard feel that the media's impacts on body dissatisfaction have been over-exaggerated. They trust that media does not intensely impact body dissatisfaction. Rather, they have discovered associates to have a significantly greater impact than the media as far as body dissatisfaction in teenagers. (Wikipedia )
In conclusion, I will say that the Medias here in Maldives are having a very negative and unhealthy impact on teenagers. Also by showing the teenagers how they have to look like makes them disappointed of their body and the more they think about it make them have depression. The researches done in positive side shows us that very few people have positive effects and so I recommend the teenagers in our society to stop comparing your body image to the people with the fake make ups and Photo shopped in editing software’s photo models and just be happy with yourself and love what you have and also about the food advertised here in Maldives I would advise not to trust them because the only way that you can be healthy is by exercise and healthy food diet.
Alissa Fleck. (n.d.). advertising-influences-teens. Retrieved from
Kathryn Mueller. (n.d.). marketing-food-and-beverages-to-children-is-big-business-is-it-bad-for-your-kids. Retrieved from
Raising Children Network. (n.d.). media_influences_teenagers. Retrieved from
University of Michigan. (2013). Michigan News. Retrieved from University of Michigan:
Wikipedia . (n.d.). Effects of advertising on teen body image. Retrieved from Wikipedia:
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